Key features

Less than five-second testing time for any PMD range

No autocorrelation peak, for enhanced accuracy

NIST traceable

Compliant with TIA-FOTP-124A standard

Patented design*: test through EDFAs

100 Gbit/s-ready


Combining CD and PMD for precise link characterization

Designed for ultra-longhaul and 40/100 Gbit/s (and higher) applications, EXFO’s FTB-5500B PMD and FTB-5800 CD analyzer combo provides you with the speed, accuracy and high performance you need to ensure high-quality network services. Housed in the expert FTB-500 platform, the FTB-5500B and FTB-5800 test modules survive splashes, knocks and drops—ideal for CO and field conditions.

Measuring polarization mode dispersion the fast way

Polarization mode dispersion (PMD) represents a significant danger to both legacy and newly deployed networks because high PMD can induce Bit Error Rate (BER). EXFO’s FTB- 5500B PMD Analyzer helps you get ahead in the field. Whether you need to verify the capacity of legacy fiber or upgrade a network to any speed, the modular FTB-5500B is fast, reliable and ready to go.

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